Growing Your Audience Through Your Guest

A great podcast guest does more than help create great content. Beyond the message they share, they share in the work needed to grow your audience, because they realize by helping you, they are helping themselves. Regarding the interview, let’s hear from the...

Be Authentic! Your audience will thank you for it!

This post first appeared on Dr. James Kelley’s website on May 21st, 2017 Podcast hosting is similar to the quadratic formula: ax2+bx+c=0.  Now for many of you the last time you saw this formula was in high school algebra, so let me quickly unpack how this...

What it takes to be a great podcast guest.

Today Lou Diamond, Phil Gerbyshak, and Jeff Gibbard join Doug and Strickland to talk about how to be a great podcast guest.Thanks to our sponsor today Dalyn Miller PR for making this forum happen. If you want to be a guest on a podcast, go to...

5 Secrets to Having A Successful Podcast

5 secrets to a successful podcast by Doug Sandler You are the go to expert in your industry and you’ve started a podcast. The problem is you have only a few people listening to your show. You want to boom your brand but you only hear crickets. You don’t...