Fast Pass Page

Welcome to Turnkey Podcast!

We’ll walk you through these milestones to get your podcast launched. To access and download these resources, please click the red links. 

Discovery Call Outline

Support Docs for Scheduling and Recording Platforms

After you purchase your equipment, we’ll set a up a meeting to test your equipment and software, including sound checks and proper settings. 

Guest Management

If you’re inviting guests on your show to interview, we’ll go over our guest management strategy with you and show you how to find guests and manage the interview process. We’ll help you figure out what guests you want, how to get them on your show, what questions to ask them, and how to follow up with them before and after episodes air. 

Episode Development/Interviews

(NOTE: Guest Management milestone must be completed first.)

Social Media

Turnkey Podcast Team

  • Edit intro episode

  • Establish accounts for hosting podcast

  • Establish show distribution channels

  • Record intro/outro

