When it comes to generating an e-commerce-oriented podcast, you are probably a bit stumped on how to promote it without relying so much on social media as it gets repetitive and boring. Finding alternatives, however, can be difficult. It’s natural to be hesitant when it comes to trying new advertising techniques, but there are many ways to advertise, which might also help your social media campaigns. One of which is employee branded gifts.
What are employee-branded gifts?
Employee branded gifts are essentially free gifts you give to your employees with your brand on to help promote your business. For example, you might give them a free shirt that has your logo on to wear as they work or a mug as a Christmas gift. It can be a good way to get in some extra promotion without putting in much effort.
How can you use this for promoting a podcast?
There are a handful of ways you can use employee branded gifts to promote a podcast. For example, your podcast about e-commerce might be focusing on techniques to make your brand more memorable.
By putting in a Swag Bag, or a small free branded trinket or gift, in with your initial package, you can help your brand association. You might then pull out an example, and if you have a guest speaker, you would give it to them as a thank you for being on the podcast. Therefore, you are giving somebody you have worked with a free trinket, and you get free advertising whenever they wear it.
How might you use this alongside social media?
Taking group photos while everyone is wearing their gifted shirt, or using their gifted mug to wish a happy holiday, can be a good way to integrate it into your social media. You can also use things such as product placement, and make sure that in most of your posts you have one of your branded gifts on show.
You might even dedicate a post to a particular item. When it comes to making behind-the-scenes videos, if you choose to do that, you can make sure that everyone is using their branded gifts to help sell the brand. There are many ways you can make free gifts tie into your social media in effective and relevant ways.
To wrap things up
When it comes to promoting your e-commerce podcast, you want to make sure you do it right. Using a technique such as an employee branded gifts might be a good way to make your business a little bit more advertised.
Whether it’s by giving your workers and team shirts to wear, cups to use, or even bags or thermal drinks bottles with your brand name on them, you can easily promote your podcast. It can be tricky to get your voice heard, especially if you know you have something worth saying, and using these sorts of items might help you find the grounding you need.