Whether you already work in the supply chain & logistics industry and are looking to work your way up the career ladder, or you want to fast track your way to a new career within this profitable sector, undertaking an online master of supply chain & logistics management degree can significantly boost your career prospects. 

Not only are jobs within this industry more in demand than ever before, but the skills you will learn on this type of course are transferable to many other highly-skilled professions and will always look great on your resume, even if you choose not to work within this particular field. 

What skills will you acquire with an online Master of Supply Chain & Logistics Management degree? 

As previously explained, the skills you learn when studying for this degree can be applied to a wide range of jobs, both those within this specific sector and in various other industries. 

These skills may include:

  • Creative problem solving

  • Data analysis 

  • Leadership 

  • Teamwork 

  • Process and procedure development 

  • Costing 

  • Policy development 

  • Conducting market analysis 

  • Strategic management 

  • International business

  • Inventory control 

  • Decision making strategy 

  • Technical competence 

  • Knowledge of emerging technologies 

  • Knowledge of sustainability 

  • Project management 

  • Business ethics 

  • Understanding of e-business/e-procurement systems 

  • Ability to understand financial statements

As you can see, even if after completing an online Master of Supply Chain & Logistics Management degree, you choose not to work directly within this sector, you will have learnt invaluable skills that will aid you throughout your whole career, whatever you choose to do. 

What industries can you expect to work in with a Master of Supply Chain & Logistics Management degree? 

Industries where supply chain and logistics management roles are most in demand are as follows:

  • eCommerce

  • Government 

  • Healthcare

  • Consulting

  • Manufacturing and wholesale distribution 

  • Retail  

  • Shipping Transportation 

With a diverse selection of specific job titles available in each sector, including:

  • Procurement Analyst 

  • Business Analyst 

  • Logistics Manager 

  • Supply Chain Manager 

  • Purchasing Manager 

  • Distribution Manager

  • Operations Research Analyst

  • Senior Consultant 

  • Director of Operations 

  • Project Manager 

  • Warehouse Operations 

  • Procurement Manager 

Why are qualified Supply Chain & Logistics Management roles so in demand at present? 

It is an exciting time for the supply chain & logistics industry with the emergence of new technologies and new consumer trends. However, as much as it is exciting, it is also extremely challenging for the sector, especially if they fail to adequately train their existing employees or do not hire the right qualified people to keep their businesses moving forward. 

Some of the problems facing supply chain & logistics companies at present include:

  1. Their employees not being able to manage the swift environmental and technological changes that are currently happening in procurement systems

  2. An inability to integrate multiple internal systems 

  3. Issues with maintaining training standards with budget cuts 

  4. Difficulty managing inventory levels 

  5. A growing pressure to both reduce costs and increase revenue 

Therefore, there has never been a more prominent time when highly skilled and qualified supply chain & logistics management roles have been so readily needed. 

What can you expect to study on a Master of Supply Chain & Logistics Management Course? 

A degree of this kind is incredibly rewarding, but it is also very demanding and requires a high level of commitment. That being said, if you do follow through with a Master of Logistics Management online degree, you will reap the benefits almost immediately; whether you are wanting to upgrade your current supply chain skills or are looking for a completely new career path. 

Aspects of the course that you can expect to study include:

  • Supply Chain Principles

  • Supply Chain Modelling & Design

  • Business Analytics 

  • Supply Chain Sustainability 

  • e-Business Supply Chains 

  • International Logistics 

  • Distribution & Freight Logistics 

  • Business Project Management 

Why study for your Master of Supply Chain & Logistics Management Degree online?

There are a number of reasons why people state that they cannot pursue further education or try to better themselves professionally. These include not having enough time, not having enough money and having too many other commitments. Not to mention the fact that going back to school can be extremely scary, even for those with the highest of confidence levels. 

However, that is where the beauty of online courses comes into play. Effectively, every one of the aforementioned concerns or worries can be put to rest at the click of a button. 


Online courses can be carried out anytime and anyplace

No need to rush to class, find cover at work, or enlist the services of a babysitter. With an online course you can continue your life as normal, working around your daily commitments and simply carrying out your work when you have the time to do so. Even if that is in the middle of the night, for example.

Online courses can be cheaper 

Regardless of the cost difference between studying online and attending a standard university (and online can often work out cheaper), there are many other ways in which studying for your Master of Supply Chain & Logistics Management degree online can work out more cost effective. 

These include not having to pay any travel costs to get to and from lectures, not having to purchase any expensive literature (most online courses provide you with exactly what you need), and not having to give up your current job to pursue your further education goals. 

Online course can be completed quickly

You may be worried that an online course will take much longer than a standard university one. However, with many intensive courses now available, as long as you put in the work, you can expect to complete your masters in as little as two years. 

Online course can be more engaging 

Not only are your study groups for online courses a lot smaller than a standard university classroom, you can also expect to receive one-on-one support from your course leader. 

This means that you are much more likely to remain engaged with your subject matter as you have a better opportunity to connect with both your peers and experienced academics. 

Online courses are less intimidating 

If it has been a long time since you were at school, or even if you are just a shy learner, an online course is the ideal educational setting for you. You still get the best teachers within the industry, but you are able to work from the comfort of your own home, without any pressure or distractions from fellow students.