A former Disney screenwriter and professional speaker, Michael Ashley is the author of over twenty-five books on numerous subjects, including four bestsellers. Michael serves as a columnist with Forbes, Entrepreneur and Green Entrepreneur. Prior to starting his own creative content agency, he began his career as a playwright and a newspaper reporter. A former screenwriting professor at Chapman University, he has been featured in KTLA, Entertainment Weekly, The National Examiner, the United Nations’ ITU News, The Orange County Business Journal, Fox Sports Radio, and The Orange County Register. The co-host of Changing the Story Podcast and United Nations’ Artistic Intelligence series, Michael serves as a story consultant for companies on how to best convey their messaging.
Connect with Michael Ashley:
Website: https://michaelashleypublishing.com/
Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Michael-Ashley/author/B01BPFKNG4?
Email: michael@michaelashleypublishing.com
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