Podcasting is a great way to make money, build your community, and grow influence, but did you know you can get predictable results by following a consistent process?
When it comes to building a podcasting revenue stream, here’s what you need to know…
1. Why the death of a podcast will NEVER happen when you build a consistent revenue stream with your podcast as the tool
2. Community growth and influence are bi-products of building a podcast monetization monster
3. Where the money is made from podcasting for normal people like you and me.
I go into a lot more detail in my latest episode, Money, Lies and Death — An Optimistic View of Podcasting
In this episode of the podcast, I share the truth about where the money comes from in podcasting, how to avoid the death of a podcast, and the lies that you may have been told or thought you understood as truths before you got started.
TurnKey Podcast Productions Important Links:
- Guest to Gold Video Series: http://www.TurnkeyPodcast.com/gold
- The Ultimate Podcast Launch Formula- http://www.TurnkeyPodcast.com/UPLFplus
- FREE workshop on how to “Be A Great Guest.”
- Free E-Book 5 Ways to Make Money Podcasting at http://www.Turnkeypodcast.com/gift
- Ready to earn 6-figures with your podcast? See if you’ve got what it takes at TurnkeyPodcast.com/quiz
- Sales Training for Podcasters: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sales-training-for-podcasters/id1540644376
- Nice Guys on Business: http://www.niceguysonbusiness.com/subscribe/
- The Turnkey Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/turnkey-podcast/id1485077152
Partner Links — We use these apps and get amazing results and huge time savings too!
- Design tool: Canva Pro: Create Stunning Design in Minutes!
- Check out Headliner to create social media posts with video easily- make.headliner.app
- Simplecast is the easiest way to set up your podcast hosting- Simplecast.com
- Zoom is the easiest way to schedule meetings and record your podcast interviews. Zoom.us
- Acuity is the easiest way to schedule your podcast interviews, meetings, and life.Acuityscheduling.com