What would life be like if you didn’t have a few bad ass friends. I can check that off the list because today, that’s what we have. She’s bad ass in multiple ways. First off, she’s got a podcast called Badass Direct Sales Mastery. And at 130+ episodes she’s got her shit together, but still learning daily. Secondly, she’s got a badass coaching business, that is tearing it up and third, she is a badass trainer for Turnkey, always getting 5-star reviews from our launch students. Let’s connect all of those today.


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TurnKey Podcast Productions Important Links:


Connect with Jennie Bellinger:

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/jenniebpl



Connect with Doug Sandler:

Twitter: djdoug  

Facebook: dj.doug.sandler  

Website: turnkeypodcast.com/  

Email: doug@turnkeypodcast.com

Phone: (410) 340-6861 

Instagram: turnkeypodcast/

LinkedIn: doug-sandler-1a346649/


Interested in Podcasting? Learn 5 ways that you can profit from your own show at TurnkeyPodcast.com/money 


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