AJ Adams went from janitor to 6+ figure CEO and branding expert who has consulted multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, celebrities, and New York Times Bestselling authors. He is a dynamic speaker, international bestselling author, social media influencer, and host of the Top 200 ranked podcast “The Brand Domination Show”.
In this episode Doug and AJ discuss:
- The evolution of podcasting and getting in now while the momentum is building.
- Avoiding “Pod-fade” by persevering and building relationships.
- Expanding influence to increase impact and generate income.
- Studying great interviews to expand your skills as an interviewer.
Key Takeaways:
- You become an expert in your space by doing what you’re talking about.
- Don’t judge yourself too quickly. Look at what’s not working well and then start to make some changes.
- Ask yourself: Who are you? What do you do? Who do you serve? And what unique value and or results do you deliver?
- Understand it’s a long term game. Be committed to your craft and keep working on it.
Connect with AJ Adams:
Twitter: imajadams
Instagram: imajadams
Facebook: facebook.com/aj.adams.5099
Show: ajadams.biz/podcast
TurnKey Podcast Productions Important Links:
- FREE workshop on how to “Be A Great Guest.”
- Free E-Book 5 Ways to Make Money Podcasting at http://www.Turnkeypodcast.com/gift
Want to learn how to podcast? Enroll in our DIY course to get on the fast track to successful and profitable podcasting! TurnkeyPodcast.com/grow
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Check out Headliner to create social media posts with video easily- make.headliner.app
Simplecast is the easiest way to set up your podcast hosting- Simplecast.com
Zoom is the easiest way to schedule meetings and record your podcast interviews-
Acuity is the easiest way to schedule your podcast interviews, meetings, and life.
Connect with Doug Sandler:
Twitter: djdoug
Facebook: dj.doug.sandler
Website: turnkeypodcast.com/
Email: doug@turnkeypodcast.com
Phone: (410) 340-6861
Instagram: turnkeypodcast/
LinkedIn: doug-sandler-1a346649/
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.