Coming up with fresh, engaging ideas for a podcast discussion can be difficult. However, it is essential when creating a show that will both attain and retain listeners. 

As for a podcast that revolves around legal-based subjects, the scope for talking points might seem limited initially. Yet there are various different topics that will grab the attention of lawyers, students, and everyone else interested in legal procedure. You just have to be creative. 

For assistance with the latter, below is a selection of discussion ideas for your legal podcast

A deep dive into a local case 

Discussing cases, both past and present, are popular talking points on legal-based podcasts – and for good reason. They are real examples of the law and how it is applied. The most popular cases have also been done to death by various different podcast options. 

To stand out and focus on something different, consider looking into a local case. Not only will it likely be something new for your audience to feast on, but you will already have familiarity with the case. 

Speaking of the latter, you could truly go in-depth with a local case – especially if it only took place in recent years. You have the potential to interview people involved with the case, gaining valuable insight that listeners love to hear about. 

How technology can change the game 

The legal sector is one which is constantly evolving. From new regulatory changes to the rise of new competitors to the market, there’s always something new to talk about on a podcast. This is particularly the case when it comes to technology. 

In one area, you could chat about how technology is revolutionizing the way law firms are doing business. For instance, Redbrick Solutions provides specialist software which makes it incredibly simple to manage cases. From keeping documents all in one place to automating processes, the software helps to extensively save on time and resources.   

While that’s a great point to talk over, you could also venture into how new technology is evolving cases. Drones and social media, to use just two recent examples, have already altered the legal landscape. 

Mental wellbeing for lawyers

It’s not something that is focused on enough, but lawyers have it incredibly tough mentally for several different reasons. As a result, you could discuss why this is so prevalent, and ways in which they can improve their mental wellbeing for a more fulfilling life outside of work. 

How to improve business

There’s one big question that budding lawyers are always seeking an answer for: How do we gain more clients? 

Well the solution is far from a straightforward one, which is ideal as a talking point for a podcast. In fact, you could span multiple episodes to cover the methods available for improving business. 

Simply going over the different ways to market a law firm could result in hours of quality content. All the different online marketing methods, traditional physical marketing, conventions… the list goes on and on. 

Of course, marketing is only one tactic for boosting business. Other aspects such as training employees, outsourcing to the right company’s, and listening to client feedback can all serve as individual podcast topics.