Creating a video production from your podcast can be fun and exciting, but it can also be very complicated and overwhelming. There are so many moving pieces that all must fall in place for a shoot to run efficiently and effectively. In this article, we will look at a few methods to increase the productivity of a shoot with simple call sheet templates and shot lists. Beyond looking at what they are, we will show you how they can be used when creating the mood of a shoot and relaying that information to the people on set that are getting your scenes ready to shoot.
Learning to Run a Shoot More Effectively
Increasing efficiency on your production will be critical to having successful production days. All members of the production want a shoot that has clearly communicated expectations, with the preparation work done prior to shooting day. Make sure all of the shots have documentation, all lighting information is accurate, and having necessary props ready are just some of the steps you must be prepared for beforehand.
How a Call Sheet Can Make Production Day More Efficient
Call sheets are a great start to being well prepared before a shoot. Call sheets are a document that lists out the staff that will be working together on a specific day of filming. It also contains all the pertinent information for that particular shoot, including time, date, and scene info. It may seem like overkill if you are just a small team, but this document can be very helpful when shooting a podcast and video on the same day.
Having everyone aware of their responsibilities prior to coming to set is critical in a fast-paced production. With a call sheet in hand, everyone arrives on set knowing their role and what is expected of them. This results in less downtime and ultimately a more productive podcast.
Call sheets do not have to be complicated to be effective. In fact, a simple call sheet template can be just as beneficial as a more complex one. If you don’t want to spend the time developing a call sheet, you can use a call sheet template to help get you started. You can get a great free call sheet template online that will cover most aspects needed.
Build a Shot List That Makes Everyone’s Job Easier
Shot lists are another great way to keep your production organized and on track. Shot lists are a list of all the shots that will be filmed for a particular day. This document should include specific information about each shot, including camera angle, lens, and other important notes.
Shot lists take all of the guesswork out of what is being filmed on a particular day. Having this information in hand will help everyone on set know what they need to have ready to go. Not only does this make the production run smoother, but it can also help speed up the shooting process.
Shot lists do not have to be complicated or even extensive. A simple shot list can include all the angles that will be recorded of the person interviewing and the person being interviewed, with just enough information to be effective. If you’re unsure about how to get started, there are many great shot list templates online that can help.
Keeping your production organized and running smoothly takes time and effort, but it is well worth it in the end. With the right strategies in place, you can ensure a productive and successful podcast shoot.
Experimenting With Different Lighting Setups
Pre-planning much of your shoot is not only great for efficiency, but it also allows you to make creative notes on different ways that you might like to shoot or light scenes. If you are new to creating video, having variations in how scenes are lit will increase the creativity of your video.
When you are just starting to shoot video it is important to experiment with different lighting setups to find what gives you the look you are going for. Trying slight variations in lighting will help shape the vision you have for each angle. This will help to ensure that your shots look exactly how you want them to. Once you have found the perfect lighting it will be easy for you to duplicate for future podcasts.
Production can be a hectic and chaotic process, but with the right tools in place, it can run smoothly. Utilizing a call sheet, shot list, and lighting setups will help keep everyone on track and make your production more successful.
Use Colored Lighting to Change the Mood of Your Vidoe
When experimenting with your lighting, pay attention to how lighting changes can affect the mood perceived by the viewer. Different colors in backgrounds can evoke different emotions in the viewer.
For example, cool colors like blues and greens typically give a feeling of calmness or serenity. Warmer colors like yellows and oranges are more energetic and happy. Playing with different lighting setups will help you find the mood you’re looking for in your video. The colors you use may be different based on the subject of your podcast.
The location of the lights will often affect the mood, as well. By moving your key light and fill lights, you can create a more or less dramatic mood. If you are shooting on a green screen, be sure your green screen lighting is evenly lighting your green screen backdrop.
In Conclusion
A podcast production can be a daunting task, but with the right tools in place, it can run smoothly. Utilizing a call sheet, shot list, and lighting setups will help keep everyone on track and make your production more successful. In addition, paying attention to the mood you want to evoke and the emotions you want your viewer to feel can make all the difference in the final product. With a little bit of pre-planning, you can have an efficient and successful podcast production.